This Friday June 23rd Eighty Six mark their tenth anniversary (!) with a party at Track Brewery. Click here more details but as the poster says, it starts at 7pm, it's free in and it's part of Manchester Beer Week. What's not to like?
So, ten years of Eghty Six... Starting off as a monthly DJ social at Jam Street way back in 2007, Eighty Six evolved into a regular podcast/radio showand a series of irregular parties across Manchester, Leeds & further afield at venues such as The Beagle, Outlaws Yacht Club, The Spoon Inn as well as guest spots at special events like Indy Man, Moovinand Magic Rock.
Music-wise the resident DJs (TC, Jif, Rob Bright & Jeff) play across the board, mostly stuff suitable for listening in the sunshine, drink in hand (I'm avoiding the 'B' word here....) & there's been a huge variety of guests on the show and at the parties - people like Moon & Jason from Aficianado, Joe's Bakery, Shawn Lee, Seek Magic,J-Walk, Balearic Mike, Andi Hanley& loads more.
Here's the latest show, volume 48:
I've been doing the posters since they started & thought it's time to have a look back at the designs from the last ten years (though I've failed to find any of the really early 'Bears Downstairs' ones) Please see below for poster examples, some recent & some older: