The above image is a contrast between an artist's impression of Stonebow House in 1965 with a photo taken yesterday, July 2016. Renovation is afoot.
Like Hudson House, Stonebow House follows a similar narrative of other buildings from the era, with attributable quotes on the subject such as this one from Kevin, 56: "I think it's a monstrosity!" he says. "It has never worked as a building. It's my biggest beef about York."
It certainly cuts across views of St Saviourgate, seen in the background of the images above. But York has plenty such churches. Now plans for the building, including the downstairs music & comedy venue, have been revealed, the usual beige 'retail & leisure' spec.
"Does York need more flats and chained restaurants or does it need arts and culture?"
To find out more about Stonebow House and the argument for a Grade II listing, have a read of this (it isn't listed btw) And for a far better written & photographed blog check out this post on the Unstable Praxis site.
A few more photos below...